La Matte

LaMatte es un taller de moda. Especialista en eventos, celebraciones y ceremonias, cuenta tanto con tocados como con complementos realizados por su diseñadora Ana Matesanz. En esta ocasión hemos elaborado un brochure de marca, elegante y sobrio, muy cercano y especial, como los elementos que se producen en su imaginación y que acaban en las manos de sus clientes.


For GESTYONA we have developed a graphic proposal that aims to inform the public of Badajoz, the commercialization of a housing development in the city. The idea is based on the target audience and the phrase that they will be able to state without fear and without fear once they have secured the place where…


Within the usual collaboration with the FEXB, Federación Extremadura de Baloncesto, we have presented the graphic image of one of the most important own events that take place in our community, the Final Phase of the Cup of the first Division. This year, in parallel, the mini-cup was also held, a space for the little…